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Local Resources

Island Food Hubs

Food Security Hubs are working in every corner of the Island Region to strengthen food security efforts locally by raising awareness and knowledge of key local food security issues and identifying and supporting opportunities for collaborative action on local food security priorities. Food Security Hubs bring together community partners to build a Healthy Island food System where everyone has access to the foods they need to thrive. Hubs are connecting with schools, local governments, Indigenous organizations community members, not-for-profits, food providers, and others.

Island Food Atlas

Discover amazing resources across Vancouver Island for buying local, learning about food - from cooking to composting - and more, get help with growing food, or find a facility to rent. The Food Atlas is a community-driven tool for empowering communities to develop and plan around food security resources. It can also help agencies establish connections with like-minded organizations, discover opportunities for collaboration, identify community gaps and assets, and connect with community partners around collaborative action.

*NEW 2019* West Coast Addendum to the Alberni Agriculture Plan


The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District's Alberni Agricultural Plan is not inclusive of coastal communities. This Coastal Addendum services this subregion by defining the needs, perspectives, and attributes of its unique population and geography, and offering action recommendations which will help to stimulate local, appropriate, and efficient agricultural development.

*NEW Fall 2018* CBT's Vital Signs and Living Wage


Vital Signs is a community check-up conducted by community foundations across Canada that measures the vitality of our communities and identifies significant trends in a range of areas critical to quality of life. Our regional Vital Signs, published every two years, highlights indicators of food security and cost of living in the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve Region.

BC Food Security Gateway

The Gateway is meant to inform and link you to projects, initiatives, and organizations in British Columbia as well as publications, tools, guides, and news – so that you, too, can contribute to building food security in BC. The Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) manages the Gateway in partnership with the Public Health Association of BC (PHABC)

Tofino Community Food Initiative

Through gardening and preservation workshops, community gardens, school gardens, community projects and more, the Tofino Community Food Initiative seeks to collaborate with key community groups to foster greater food security within the Clayoquot Sound. 

Food Bank on the Edge

Find on Facebook

The Food Bank on the Edge is a group of dedicated volunteers committed to keeping the region's food needs met. The Food Bank co-ordinates donations of food and ensures food is distributed quickly & efficiently to people in need across the region on a weekly and emergency need basis. Call 250-726-6909

Tofino Ucluelet Culinary Guild

A non-profit, member-driven organization connecting restaurants, families, businesses and grocery stores with Vancouver Island and regional independent farmers and food producers.  Through group buying and education, tucg strives to make local food more accessible and affordable while providing a reliable market for some of our province’s best producers.  Services include wholesale distribution, online market for residents, a local good food box program, and community markets.

Ucluelet Local Food Society

Based in Ucluelet, like-minded community members dedicated to growing and sourcing food locally. The Society supports the Ucluelet community garden, local workshops, courses, and events,  and helps to build the network of communities and organizations working together toward a sustainable and secure local food future.  

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